Seabreeze Cargo and Couriers have been pioneering the industry in GCC and India since 1998 covering both domestic and international services. We ‘breeze’ in every package within given timeframe, every single time. Our structure with Headquarters in Dubai and group branch and representative offices in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Philippines, India and agents across the globe assist us to deliver your cargo speedily with professional network.
It's our customer service that we pride ourselves on. Our customers have enough to stress over without the additional pressure of, shipments not arriving, managing administration and explaining why things are late. You will get personalised service at every level with Seabreeze because we are truly independent, make our own decisions and specialise in our home market.
- Company Name- Seabreeze Couriers
- Nationality- Selective
- Qualification- Added Below
- Gender- Female/Male
- Benefits- Attractive Benefits
- Salary- Discuss in the Interview
- Age Limit- Below 40
- Job Location-Dubai
- Interview - Next Week
- Recruitment by- Direct by Company
🔺Sales Executives
Marketing Executives
Eligibility :
-A Bachelor's degree in Business Administration or a related field
-At least 2 years of experience in sales and marketing in the logistics industry
-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Air Freight Co-ordinator (Courier)
2+ years of experience
Excellent communication skills
Seabreeze Couriers warmly welcome those who have a keen sense of interest in building a career by applying for Falla Group's jobs. All candidates are requested to please take a few minutes to set up Their profile by visiting the following link below. Once the HR department of this company has received your CV, the recruitment team will review it thoroughly and you will get back to you if you are shortlisted. Below is the list of Seabreeze Couriers's jobs, any individual can apply by meeting the criteria given.
Email: - Seabreeze Couriers Job